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AFFILIATE MARKETING INDIA is a kind of online marketing where the publisher is rewarded with some gifts or cash as commission

Conversion Rate Optimisation

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Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is often affectionately called as the first cousin of search engine optimization

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Perfect SEO Guidelines for your website

Now days, you and I are seeking for most strong guidelines for our website for strong and instant ranking on search engines. That's why I am sharing best points for your best website :-

1. Accelerated Mobile Page
2. Rich Snippets
3. Internal linking through Breadcrumb
4. Floating Tabs
5. Render Blocking
6. Website gzip
7. Local business linking

And many others who can helps to get instant ranking on search engines

Google expert | Google seo Expert | SEO Expert

Thursday, February 25, 2016

How can i get ranking soon for organic traffic in 2016 with SEO

Now a day, we are looking for organic traffic for our business through free campaigning on google and other search engines. I have faced many interviews and meeting just for unpaid campaigning. Unpaid campaign is not easy for these days because Facebook, google, yahoo and other want paid advertising. you are not able to boost your business online without help of paid advertisements.

I have faced one question which is very important for digital marketing profile.

  1. How can you get business from Google without pay single one paisa?
  2. What is the  process of lead generation?
  3. Is this Social Media helps to get leads for our businesses?
  4. Can you do verified the Facebook, twitter and google plus fan page?
  5. What is main source for sales in online marketing?
  6. What is the most important for eCommerce businesses?
  7. My website has already a brand but we don't have relevant traffic. how can you target relevant traffic on our website?
  8. Can you provide SWOT for our business?
  9. What is Software Testing Life Cycle for Website?
  10. Search Engine optimization is still alive?
My reply for all question is YES, we can get business from google without any spends. web business architect is the process of lead generation. social media optimization helps to get leads through custom campaign and through inbound marketing. Yes we can do verified facebook, twitter and other fan pages through content marketing on our social platforms. 

Conclusion is that for all interview question is "Content Marketing for products, services or business" which helps to get connection between website and users (New users and revisits). Currently i have used it for all projects, i have almost succeed in all activities just because of Content marketing or we can say it inbound marketing for organic traffic on website through SEO 2016 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Web Business Architect for Small Business

We are here talk about web business architect for small business, new start ups for generate the business online.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Trying to do something different in Hashtag world

Hello To World with Tweet,

I don't know am right or wrong but now i would like to share something about Social Web 2:0 hyperlink tender which is known as #Hashtag

We are sharing about Tweet World in Twitter, Fan page in Facebook, Plus icon on GooglePlus. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Digital Marketing Expert says, No Politics

Digital Marketing Expert says, No Politics

Now a days, i have seen many company who has involved in digital marketing activities, but they are not succeed, because of they are not listening digital marketing expert. I have personally experience with that type of conditions. I have joined big brands for example Mobile, Jewel, Automobile, News channels, Alliance based company but i found they are actually do politics only with growing employees and vendors.

They are not aware about SEO, SMO (Creative ideas), SEM and ORM. but they do react as expert in front of real experts. i would like to convey one message to all who involved in Online marketing, Internet Marketing or Digital Marketing.

Don't do politics just do Digital with Creative Ideas !

I have worked almost 200+ Digital Marketing projects, but i am not satisfied with my position or strength because i have faced many person who are not involved in Digital marketing. they are not aware about what is DS, AS, BS, Feed rotations, Content marketing. But they are Masters in front of our Super Boss.
Super Boss always need leads for business. Digital marketeer has power to generate the leads but but but... politicians do the job.
Please need your review and rating about this blog, i know this pending i'll like to request please complete this article as you have faced with past


Friday, February 27, 2015

The Digital Marketing Interview - Have you faced?

Yes, today my question is for Digital Marketing Interviews which is very normal and known by everyone, no doubt.

Once upon a time HR or Interviewers asked about family background, your qualifications, your experiences and your strength with Interest topics.

Now a day they are asking about only and only TEST which is useless in our field. Now, private jobs also behave like Govt. Jobs. Written test with Content writing.

What a Big Joke ! 

I have almost 10+ year experience in Digital Marketing, they have never ask to me about my skills, my strength, my technical expertise, my live projects, my achievements, my Goals, my work style. Nothing Nothing Nothing.

I haven't face single one question related to my Digital marketing Field. I keen to explain about my Affiliate marketing with Affiliate Program, my SEO Expertize, my Social Media Marketing ideas, my previous achievements, my live projects, my projects's alexa ranking and back linkings.

But they provide me just a TEST paper which has 150 questions related to reasoning, logical, active and passive voices, mathematical questions 10th based, Pharse questions and Answers like i have facing in 12th class exams again in my life.

What a Big Jerk!

I have almost 6+ year and 400+ projects experience in Google Adword or PPC or Paid campaigns, i was assuming they would be ask about my Paid campaigns how can i do it for my recent clients, how can i reduced my CPC, ECPC. How to get more leads for DATA Feeds (Google Shopping), What is LP, What is Quality Score, What is CRO and Most important question about SWOT. What is SWOT in your  PPC campaigns. But they haven't single question for me. STRANGE INTERVIEW FOR DIGITAL MARKETING in my life.

What a Big Interview

Digital Marketing is knowns everything which is helps you for everything in build of your Web reputations, Online reputation, Lead Generations, Video marketing, Apps Marketing, SEO, Social media Marketing, Social Engagements, Paid Campaigns with your Display and Social Network.
How can i handle Facebook, GooglePlus, Linkedin and Twitter with Paid Campaigns, Squeeze Marketing, Email Marketing, SMS Marketing, Whatsapp marketing.

Don't know if i am facing that type of interview then i should change my field after 10+ years in Digital Marketing because I can't passed my TEST exam in my interview.

First time I have faced that type of Interview which is fully changed from my subject or topics.

Please give us chance to BOOST your business. We are from Internet Marketing we can give you biggest booster and stability in your business


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Where is SEO Expert - Content Writer Thiefs at Future SEO 2015

Who is SEO Expert, Where is SEO Expert - Content Writer Thief.

Today ("At Future SEO 2015"), i am very shocked about SEO Expert, SEO specialist, do you know what i have almost 10 years experience in SEO, SMO and PPC with Digital marketing Activites. i have done almost 1000+ SEO projects, i am doing freelancing as well... but one big surprise for me in this field, do you know what surprise i am talking about?

Who is SEO Expert, Where is SEO Expert "At Future SEO 2015"

In Hindi if am saying then i'll say, "ye to lul ho gaya" "At Future SEO 2015"

One of my client ask me about who you are? am saying am seo (Search engine optimizer from last 10 years) then he asked again, NO, No are you manage the content as well i said "Yes, i am doing as well at Future SEO 2015.

Client asked again a question which was last and final, question was "Are you SEO cum Content writer?" I replied for that- "No, am not. I am just do SEO "At Future SEO 2015", SMO or if you required then PPC. he has stopped the work for me and just said i am searching that guys who is Content writer and doing seo as well.

Is this End of Our Career in SEO, if we are not good in Writing Skills?
What do you think about, please Share your thoughts on

As i assume, about SEO and Digital Marketing. We are working for Google and Against for Google and Search Engines. We are doing Black Hat SEO everytime, everywhere with every projects. We are not scared at all for upcoming results on search engines's updations. We are Heros for our clients.
If we don't have writing skills, then what's wrong we have creativity for ranking. Always i was thinking about English/Writing Skills but now am very happy am not thief.
Content writer is like thief they steal content from Wikipedia, related website, related articles and other web spaces,
i proud am SEO from Last 10 Years. If you proud about then Give me nice selfie or Thumbs up.. on

Now friends times to come to say we are greater then you Content writers. Sir you work for me, not the other way around.OKAY.. "At Future SEO 2015"

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Do you how to Use Hashtags on Every Social Media Network or Twiiter, Facebook, Google Plus

How To Use Hashtags On Every Network

How to Use Hashtags on Every Social Media Network

We talk about hashtags a lot, but we haven’t stepped back to consider the basics in a while. Hashtags are a way for social media users to tag their posts with keywords, which in turn make them easier for social networks to organize and users to search — we all know that.

 What Are Hashtags?

 A word or phrase preceded by a hash mark (#), used within a message to identify a keyword or topic of interest and facilitate a search for it.

Where Did Hashtags Come From?

It may be pretty surprising to hear, but the first use of a hashtag in social media can actually be traced back to one man. Chris Messina, a former Google employee who worked in developer relations and as a designer on Google+, Tweeted the first ever hashtag. This Tweet took place all the way back in 2007, so it took quite a bit to catch on, but when it did, it did in a big way.

How to Use Hashtags

hash·tag: A word or phrase preceded by a hash mark (#), used within a message to identify a keyword or topic of interest and facilitate a search for it.
So whenever a user adds a hashtag to their post, it is immediately indexed by the social network and searchable by other users. Once someone clicks on that hashtag, they’ll be brought to a page that aggregates all of the posts with the same hashtagged keyword in real-time. Once a keyword picks up enough momentum it becomes known as “trending.” Trending isn’t simply a matter of becoming the most popular hashtag on the networks. Each users’ trending topics is different based on their location and social connections.

Where Did Hashtags Come From?

It may be pretty surprising to hear, but the first use of a hashtag in social media can actually be traced back to one man. Chris Messina, a former Google employee who worked in developer relations and as a designer on Google+, Tweeted the first ever hashtag. This Tweet took place all the way back in 2007, so it took quite a bit to catch on, but when it did, it did in a big way.

How to Use Hashtags

Using a hashtag in a social post is as simple as adding the ‘#’ sign before a single word or phrase without spaces or punctuation (numbers are okay).
  • Don’t string too many words together with a single hashtag.
  • If you tweet with a hashtag on a public account, anyone who does a search for that hashtag may find your tweet.
  • Don’t #spam #with #hashtags. Don’t over-tag a single tweet.
  • Use hashtags only on tweets relevant to the topic.
Though it’s easy to quickly create and send out a post with a hashtag in it, there is some basic etiquette when it comes to using them. We’ll cover some of the advanced ways to use hashtags, but first lets take a step back and look at what Mediabistro put together outlining some of the basic rules for creating a tweet with hashtags. Though it’s easy to create a hashtag, it’s not quite as easy to do it in a correct or relevant way.

Courtesy by :---->>>>> SproutSocial

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Future Of SEO, (2014-2015)

The Future of SEO 2014-2015

  • Content marketing(CMS) will move from being the current fad to being just “everyday SEO."
  • Will require a deeper understanding of what content really does, beyond just “drawing search traffic.”
  • Google will begin to value particular authors as a ranking factor, but the effect will be subtle, hard to detect, and only granted to the very top authors in each topical area.
  • While links will continue to be of primary value, smart SEOs will more and more value other means of creating traffic and audience around a site.
Great SEO is really no different than it was a few years ago. Terrible SEO is what’s changed drastically. Google is shooting down all the easy link building tactics, but if you’re focused on your audience, their needs and building compelling content to support those things, then most small nuances of SEO don’t make that big of a difference to you "Says Kapil Sunariya Google SEO Experts"

SEO Work for 2015

  1. Use hashtags on Google Plus, Facebook and Twitter and toerh Sister sites.
  2. Use future keywords for Great Results.
  3. Use Dofollow links with contextual linking for SEO.
  4. Use Blog Commenting for sharing your Content.
  5. Use Article Marketing
  6. Use referral traffic for getting Unique traffic visitors.
  7. Use Trending Keywords for getting relevant business leads. 
  8. Permalinks are one of the best SEO tips
  9. Search Engine doesn’t see the images they just read about the images in your like there Title and alt tag which can easily be added by clicking on the images when you are in edit mode and mention it in the property.
  10. Add rel=”nofollow” tag in every external link you specify in your blog.
  11. As one of the biggest factors in Page Ranking is backlinks. A backlink is nothing but just a link to your site in any other site. But on which site it matters
  12. Write the Unique Content this mean people who are searching for it will definitely visit your site and Search Engines love unique contents. People may voluntarily link back to you.
  13. At least 2-3% keyword density. It means if you have a blog of 500 words you can use 10 to 15 keywords from the blog.
For more query you may Call Google SEO Expert for SEO 2015.

Friday, June 14, 2013

SEO Never Will Die - Google SEO

The Essence of Search

Let’s start with a deceptively simple question – How big is the internet? I’ll attempt to answer that by creating a graph that borders on being silly:
The internet is so big that even Google got tired of counting, and it's growing exponentially. Five years have passed since they announced the trillion mark, and the article suggests that URL variations now make the potential indexed page count theoretically infinite.
We can't just print out the internet and read it at our leisure. We need a filter – a way to sift and sort our collected content – and that's essentially all that search is. However search evolves or whatever happens to Google, the expansion of human knowledge is accelerating. Unless we suffer a technological cataclysm, we will need search, in some form, for the rest of human history.

Searchers and Searchees (Google SEO Expert)

As long as search exists, it also stands to reason that there will be two groups of people: (1) People who want to find things, and (2) People who want to be found. On any given day, we may each be both (1) and (2), and the "people" who want to be found could be businesses, governments, etc., but for every search there will be some entity who wants to have a prominent position in that search result.
The desire to be found isn't new or unique to online search – just ask Melvil Dewey or call up "AAA Aardvark Plumbing" in the Yellow Pages. What's unique to online search is that the system has become so complex that automated technology governs who gets found, and as the scope of information grows, that's not about to change. Ultimately, whenever a system controls who will be found, then there will be a need for people who understand that system well enough to help entities end up on the short list.
This goes beyond manipulative, "black hat" practices – data needs to be structured, rules complied with, and many pieces put into place to make sure that the information we put out there is generally friendly with the systems that catalog and filter it. Over time, these systems will get more sophisticated, but they will never be perfect. As long as search exists, there will be a need for experts who can optimize information so that it can be easily found.

SEO Is Not One Tactic

When we say "SEO Is Dead!", we’re usually reacting to the latest tactical fad or announcement from Google. Ultimately, though, SEO is not one tactic and even though Google currently dominates the market, SEO doesn't live and die with Google. I'm 42 years old, and the public internet as we know it now hasn't existed for even half of my life. Google is a teenager, and I strongly suspect I'll outlive them (or at least their dominance).
There's no doubt that search is changing, and our industry is barely out of its infancy. In the broad sense, though, the need for people who can help construct findable information and attract people to that information will outlive any single tactic, any individual SEO expert, and even any search engine.

The Construct: Search in 2063

Sergei had spent his entire adult life learning how to manipulate The Construct. Fifteen years earlier, the unthinkable had happened – the collected knowledge of humanity had grown so quickly that there was no longer enough space in the accessible universe to store it in. The internet became The Construct, and it now spanned both space and time.
Since no human could adequately comprehend 4-dimensional data (early attempts at neural interfaces drove a few pioneers to insanity), The Construct had to be projected onto a 3-dimensional orb suspended in a vacuum, affectionately known as the “space egg.” With more than a decade of practice, Sergei manipulated the egg like an omelette chef at a 5-star brunch, and what his clients paid him made their $37 mimosas look reasonable.
This morning was worse than most. The Construct’s AI had detected an unacceptable level of manipulation and was adjusting the Core Algo. Sergei could already see the surface of the egg being rewritten, and the change was costing his clients millions with every passing minute. Luckily, his defensive bots were already at work, rewriting semantic data to conform to the ripples in the Algo. One thing was certain: the life of a Space Egg Optimizer was never dull.

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