Smart Insights Business members can learn more in our guide on Best practices for a Digital Marketing CoE.
Digital Marketing
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Conversion Rate Optimisation
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Pay Per Click Management
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Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing is often affectionately called as the first cousin of search engine optimization
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Best practices for a Digital Marketing Centre of Excellence
Smart Insights Business members can learn more in our guide on Best practices for a Digital Marketing CoE.
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Best Google Seo Expert Tools
- Google PageSpeed Insights
- Moz Local Listing Score
- Google Analytics
- Google Webmaster Tools + Bing Webmaster Tools
- Open Site Explorer
- Google Keyword Planner
- Penguin Tool
- SEMrush
- Buzzstream
- Citation Labs' Broken Link Finder
- Mike Marketing Tool
- Citation Labs' Link Prospector
- Domain Hunter Plus
- Free Broken Link Checker
- GroupHigh
- GuestPost Tracker
- And many others Google SEO expert best tools
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Perfect SEO Guidelines for your website
Now days, you and I are seeking for most strong guidelines for our website for strong and instant ranking on search engines. That's why I am sharing best points for your best website :-
1. Accelerated Mobile Page
2. Rich Snippets
3. Internal linking through Breadcrumb
4. Floating Tabs
5. Render Blocking
6. Website gzip
7. Local business linking
And many others who can helps to get instant ranking on search engines
Friday, June 14, 2013
SEO Never Will Die - Google SEO
The Essence of Search
Let’s start with a deceptively simple question – How big is the internet? I’ll attempt to answer that by creating a graph that borders on being silly:We can't just print out the internet and read it at our leisure. We need a filter – a way to sift and sort our collected content – and that's essentially all that search is. However search evolves or whatever happens to Google, the expansion of human knowledge is accelerating. Unless we suffer a technological cataclysm, we will need search, in some form, for the rest of human history.
Searchers and Searchees (Google SEO Expert)
As long as search exists, it also stands to reason that there will be two groups of people: (1) People who want to find things, and (2) People who want to be found. On any given day, we may each be both (1) and (2), and the "people" who want to be found could be businesses, governments, etc., but for every search there will be some entity who wants to have a prominent position in that search result.The desire to be found isn't new or unique to online search – just ask Melvil Dewey or call up "AAA Aardvark Plumbing" in the Yellow Pages. What's unique to online search is that the system has become so complex that automated technology governs who gets found, and as the scope of information grows, that's not about to change. Ultimately, whenever a system controls who will be found, then there will be a need for people who understand that system well enough to help entities end up on the short list.
This goes beyond manipulative, "black hat" practices – data needs to be structured, rules complied with, and many pieces put into place to make sure that the information we put out there is generally friendly with the systems that catalog and filter it. Over time, these systems will get more sophisticated, but they will never be perfect. As long as search exists, there will be a need for experts who can optimize information so that it can be easily found.
SEO Is Not One Tactic
When we say "SEO Is Dead!", we’re usually reacting to the latest tactical fad or announcement from Google. Ultimately, though, SEO is not one tactic and even though Google currently dominates the market, SEO doesn't live and die with Google. I'm 42 years old, and the public internet as we know it now hasn't existed for even half of my life. Google is a teenager, and I strongly suspect I'll outlive them (or at least their dominance).There's no doubt that search is changing, and our industry is barely out of its infancy. In the broad sense, though, the need for people who can help construct findable information and attract people to that information will outlive any single tactic, any individual SEO expert, and even any search engine.
The Construct: Search in 2063
Sergei had spent his entire adult life learning how to manipulate The Construct. Fifteen years earlier, the unthinkable had happened – the collected knowledge of humanity had grown so quickly that there was no longer enough space in the accessible universe to store it in. The internet became The Construct, and it now spanned both space and time.Since no human could adequately comprehend 4-dimensional data (early attempts at neural interfaces drove a few pioneers to insanity), The Construct had to be projected onto a 3-dimensional orb suspended in a vacuum, affectionately known as the “space egg.” With more than a decade of practice, Sergei manipulated the egg like an omelette chef at a 5-star brunch, and what his clients paid him made their $37 mimosas look reasonable.
This morning was worse than most. The Construct’s AI had detected an unacceptable level of manipulation and was adjusting the Core Algo. Sergei could already see the surface of the egg being rewritten, and the change was costing his clients millions with every passing minute. Luckily, his defensive bots were already at work, rewriting semantic data to conform to the ripples in the Algo. One thing was certain: the life of a Space Egg Optimizer was never dull.
Courtesy By :-
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Digital Classroom : Mind Shaper Technologies: Best Educational Android Apps for Kids : Sameer Buti
Educational Android apps :-
Some New Educational Android Apps for Kids
Do you Want to know more New Educational Games for Kids :-
Educational Videos :-
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Do you know what About SEO 2013 or Are you ready for SEO 2013
Do you know what About SEO 2013 ? (Google SEO Expert India)
Considering the shifts in SEO survival, 2012 has been quite an eventful year. There have been several important updates that have changed the search scene altogether.A massive crackdown on spam sites through the EMD updates was not the only scathing step taken by Google. Google updates its algorithm over 500 times a year in order to weed out low quality sites from the top positions. Google will never stop its relentless run to make search results more relevant.
Search engine optimization, as it stands today, is no longer child’s play. It has become quite challenging and innovative strategies are required to attain better rankings.
So what is the outlook for SEO in 2013? The answer to this question is still vague, as people are not sure about the updates that are to occur in 2013. Fierce arguments are still raging regarding the Google updates that may take place. While some believe that the future lies in content marketing, others believe that social media presence will be the key. Others continue to resort to blackhat SEO methods that may land them on Google’s hitlist.
Based on what I hear people saying and see people doing, and my understanding of the proposed Google updates that may take place, here is a list of major changes in SEO you can expect to occur in 2013.
Author Rank
How Google handles Author Rank will be the biggest search factor in 2013. It may turn the entire internet marketing world upside down.
Google will assign each blogger an Author Rank based on various parameters such as niche authority and domain expertise. This Rank will be given a major role in ranking the content authored by that author. Simply speaking, the higher the rank and reputation of the author, the higher are the chances of their content ranking well in search engines. Also, an author’s published content will be directly linked to their Google+ profile, thereby drawing Google+ into SEO calculations. So, with the mooted Author Rank update, performance of a site will depend more upon the reputation and niche expertise of the content’s author in social networks.
Equivalency Score Algorithm
Another major update that is expected to take place in 2013 is the Google Equivalency Score Algorithm (ESA). ESA is expected to work in the same way as Google Adword’s Quality Score where each keyword is given a point score based on several factors. The quality score of the keywords is then used along with the bid amount of the advertiser and the ads are ranked accordingly. ESA, if operationalized, will have a huge impact on online businesses. It will effectively cut down the monopoly of some websites on number one rankings and will create a more level playing field for all businesses. One effect of this is that Google may display the same results for a search query in different orders each time the results appear on screen.
Link Disavow Tool
The Link Disavow Tool was created to collect data on the backlink structure of sites. Chances are that Google will use this tool in 2013 to create an algorithm using the links that have already been submitted to them. The tool will be used to improve reporting of spam sites and poor quality backlinks. Consequently, blog posts and forum posts can no longer be used to create backlinks.
Social media presence
SEO in 2013 will be heavily influenced by the numerous social networks and the development and utilisation of an effective social media presence. Site owners and technicians have to carve a niche out for themselves in social media if they want their sites to do well in search rankings. Sharing of content on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Pinterest, Delicious, LinkedIn, MySpace and Google+ will be of the utmost importance. Social media popularity will, in a way, decide the fate of a site as far as Google is concerned.
The reason Google gives such importance to the social media presence of a site is yet to be definitively ascertained. But there are many theories out there regarding this. Social media presence is proof that the traffic finds the content of a site useful. However, many say that Google will do this to give its staggering Google+ a boost. Many believe that in the days to come, Google+ might just emerge as the most important social network for webmasters.
Digital marketing
Digital marketing will also play a big role in 2013. Digital marketing will slowly include the entire spectrum of online marketing from market-purposed content creation, through pay-per-click strategies, to use of social media. Because of certain expected Google updates, this will get a big boost and chances are that more and more brands will come into the digital marketing field in time.
No Fundamental Changes in SEO
Having started by explaining how SEO will fundamentally change in 2013, let me close by saying that the foundation of SEO is going to remain the same. Whether web owners and professionals like it or not, content will continue as the king online. High quality, well-written, expertly displayed, functionally useful content will still hold the key to ranking well for target search terms. Any site needs to have compelling and unique content that has good readability and provides a rich user experience. Half the search battle is won if a website follows this cardinal rule, and that will only become more true in 2013 and beyond.
Currently accepted link building practices such as viral article submission and automated link posting won’t work any more, as the basis for them affecting search results is revealed as artifical. Google began the tough scrutiny of backlinks in 2012, and this will continue in 2013.
While we must wait to see just how Google and other search giants implement their strategies for 2013, it can be taken for granted that their efforts to keep search results organically honest, relevant and useful to consumer will have an impact on the industry that has developed around search engine optimization. Whether the effects of that are good or bad, for consumers and the industry, remains to be seen.
What about you? Are you ready for 2013? Do you foresee other ways in which search will change next year and beyond?
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Instant Result but Not Spamming just Organic Seo
- 30 Directories.
- 20 Bookmarking.
- 20 Forums.
- 5 Blogs update on other sites.
- just bookmarking on blogs (4 Step).
- at last just do profile updates on other Social networking Sites or just profile updates with links (20 profiles Daily).

- Those steps are practically used on High competitor keywords
- RSS Feed Submission is must for blogs in alternative days
- Just focus on competitors work which is really helpful for your targets.
- Don't use commenting and Link Exchange just avoid it.
- try to do SMO activities on daily based but minimum time on SMO.
- Try to make the report of S.W.O.T. Report which is helpful for your own practice.
- Change your Content within 3 months just Web Content.
- Meta's is main part of SEO. So, read the latest meta updates on Google
- Use Dublin Core metadata (Encoded)
Few Words of Caution for your online Identity
SPAM Mail— I’d say if we get a single penny every time a spam hits my mail box- how rich would I beJ. Well We all have a Spam folders with us – be it official and personal id with at least 200 spam mails a day claiming you a lottery winner or a job opportunity in Nigeria or asking for help on disposing billions of dollars etc. etc…
Don’t you wonder where this comes from: Here are couple of reminders: -
Ø Register yourself on a website and hit Subscribe to the promotional offers.
Ø Register on a social network website which allows you to show your email id.
Ø Liking some Facebook page which you can only access post submitting your email id.
Ø Drop in your email id while eating at a restaurant or shopping.
Ø Downloading free stuff only by subscribing
Ø Subscribing to a newsletter.
And many more J
Well here are few precautionary measures which you can use:
Ø Even while signing yourself at a website – make sure you uncheck the box which says subscribe to our newsletter.
Ø In case you do not want to share your email id do check the “Privacy Section” of your account settings.
Ø While shopping or eating at the restaurant – make sure just put a feedback and not your email id there.
Ø While downloading stuff from website – do clear off tracking cookies from your computer/ laptop.
Ø Always keep your password a combination of numbers and special characters – these cannot be hacked.
Ø While accepting a friend request make sure you know the person rather than just increasing the number of your friends on the list.
Ø While Apps\ Games we play on the Facebook also pass on your email id so more chance of spam.
Ø Always and always have a nick name for social networking websites but not weird ones which has some words such as “Spunk – Funk”.
Ø Use the button which says “Report Abuse or Report Spam” and that email would never shop up again.
Ø Always run an Anti- virus every once in a while to make sure no Trojans are downloaded.
With these small steps – not only you can save your identity from online theft but you have less spam in your mail box. Remember online identity needs to be secured as your personal phone numbers.
Friday, September 10, 2010
What is LSI in SEO?
When I found these folk they offered the rate of a day ticket to try it out. Google is such a powerful search engine that many 'day trippers' gave up on it. I think that was because it gave back more information that they new what to do with.
When I had read through the book for the first time and decide was that it was for us, we realized we couldn't do without the help of Google. Getting involved here will save you hours or days. There is stuff going on with this software which is right at the forefront of getting the best from understanding LSI.
May I also recommend that you listen to and watch all of the tutorials that are available at you tube. Learn as much as you can. You will be more than happy and satisfy.
Have a good luck in your designing and building you LSI optimized keyword fortes. The time you spend learning about and implementing what you discover has the potential to bring real and strategic huge term rewards and benefit.
Even though you will be a part of a bigger community and forums remember you may always share your thoughts at the rajeeseo’s blog
So, Does it affect?
Search engines introduce to LSI are not only studying a document for meta tags, they are also studying your documents and teaching to recognize and identify many words that are common between All documents. By the search engine databases are indexing the 'semantic relation' between your document to discover which pages are 'related' or are 'closely relevant' to the overall context or style.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Server Side Design, Inc. is an award winning, recognized leader in the world of Internet Marketing. Server Side Design been honored with the prestigious and coveted awards for being a Top 10 SEO company for the entire years of 2007 and 2008! Based in Houston, TX, ServerSideDesign offers full service search engine optimization, pay per click advertising and custom website design to companies all over the globe as well as the U.S.
NeboWeb is a full service interactive marketing agency that offers a broad range of Web presence solutions for large to enterprise level organizations. By delivering brilliant strategy through a dedicated and experienced team of interactive experts, NeboWeb helps clients develop and implement successful online strategies. NeboWeb's interactive marketing services range from complete interactive marketing engagements to standalone projects such as Web Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click Management (PPC), Interactive Ad Creation, Ecommerce Development, Online Public Relations, Social Media Optimization, and more.
3.Medium Blue
Medium Blue is an Atlanta search engine optimization and internet marketing firm that works with companies all over the country. All of our services are geared exclusively toward helping you realize a greater return on your internet investment.
4.Customer Magnetism
Located in beautiful Virginia Beach, Virginia, Customer Magnetism has become well known as an affordable search engine optimization company who gets the job done. It provides organic search engine optimization services, strategic link building services, seo copywriting services and full service pay-per-click management.
With over 12 years of Search Engine Marketing experience, SEOP offers an easy, cost effective search engine optimization service that helps businesses like yours stay competitive and attract new customers by listing your business among the top results.
6.SEO Image
SEO Image's Internet marketing services include: researching keywords, developing keyword rich content, adjusting your code for better relevance to the desired keywords, building strategic link popularity.
7.SEO Inc.
Search Engine Optimization Inc. is a professional search engine marketing firm, specializing in achieving high rankings for its clients on the Internet's major Search properties. For more than a decade, SEO Inc.'s certified 'Search Engineers', with a combined expertise of over 50+ years, have led the industry in developing highly effective, proprietary search engine optimization and marketing methodologies that have placed more than 300 leading corporations in the top rankings of the world's major search properties.
Originally a web design firm, ArteWorks is now a premier provider of search engine optimization and search engine marketing for business. Located in Austin, TX, ArteWorks specializes in professional, web site design solutions for small business at affordable rates.
Oneupweb's goal is to continually help our clients reach new levels of online sales success by providing insightful counsel, comprehensive analysis and leading proprietary technology, created expressly for business leaders and marketers.
10.Bruce Clay, Inc.
As a leading provider of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services, developer of the SEOToolSet, the SEO Code of Ethics, and Search Engine Relationship Chart, Bruce Clay, Inc. is one of the best known Search Engine Optimization firms in the world. Since 1996 our clients have enjoyed high rankings from a proven, time-tested methodology using our state-of-the-art spam-free techniques.
Mail (social services)
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Be Aware Of Duplicate SEO packages !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SEO Packages | Bronze | Silver | Gold | Diamond |
Budget | 250 $ / month | 350$ / month | 450$ / month | 850 $ / month |
Timeline | 6 months | 8 months | 10 months | 12 months |
SEO Analysis | FREE! | FREE! | FREE! | FREE! |
Website Site Analysis | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Competitor Analysis | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Keywords Research | 15 | 25 | 30 | 50 |
Keywords Selection | 10 | 20 | 25 | 35 |
Search Engine Ranking report | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Site pages optimized | yes | yes | yes | yes |
SEO friendly Navigation | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Meta-Content Optimization | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Images to be Optimized | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Sitemap creation | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Robot.txt | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Google Analytics | yes | yes | yes | yes |
RSS Feed | No | No | yes | yes |
Directory submission | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Link building | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Social Bookmarking | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Social Networking Profile | - | 10 | 15 | 15 |
Article submission | 40 | 60 | 60 | 60 |
Press Release submission | 25 | 35 | 40 | 40 |
Blog Marketing | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Classified ad creation and posting | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Forum posting | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Video optimization | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Search Engine Ranking Reports | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Work status reports | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Client support | Email Support | Email Support | Email/Chat Support | Email/Chat Support |
Traffic Reports | No | No | yes | yes |
Top page ranking in Google for keywords | min 3 | min 5 | min 10 | min 15 |
Top page ranking on Yahoo or MSN | min 3 | min 5 | min 10 | min 15 |
Traffic increase on organic search engine results rajeeseo | yes | yes | yes | yes |