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AFFILIATE MARKETING INDIA is a kind of online marketing where the publisher is rewarded with some gifts or cash as commission

Conversion Rate Optimisation

RajeeSEO specialised in Conversion Rate Optimisation for highly competitive business.

Pay Per Click Management

Pay Per Click Management provides a cost-effective way to guarantee a prominent, sponsored listing in search results for Services Call us +919810534001

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is often affectionately called as the first cousin of search engine optimization

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Updated Press Release List June 2012

Press Release always provides updated news about business, if you want to promote or introduce your new business, services and products then PR submission is great option for you and your firm. If you want to become your online business and website successful then you must follow updated Google Algorithm rules, Algorithm give more importance high quality and legitimate work, so here sharing top press release website with high PR that will definitely derive huge traffic for your business.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Instant Result but Not Spamming just Organic Seo

We are providing some data which are really useful but it is not including in spamming at all....
For fast result or fast keyword ranking just do.... :- Google Seo Expert

  1. 30 Directories.
  2. 20 Bookmarking.
  3. 20 Forums.
  4. 5 Blogs update on other sites.
  5. just bookmarking on blogs (4 Step).
  6. at last just do profile updates on other Social networking Sites or just profile updates with links (20 profiles Daily).

  • Those steps are practically used on High competitor keywords
  • RSS Feed Submission is must for blogs in alternative days
  • Just focus on competitors work which is really helpful for your targets.
  • Don't use commenting and Link Exchange just avoid it.
  • try to do SMO activities on daily based but minimum time on SMO.
  • Try to make the report of S.W.O.T. Report which is helpful for your own practice.
  • Change your Content within 3 months just Web Content.
  • Meta's is main part of SEO. So, read the latest meta updates on Google
  • Use Dublin Core metadata (Encoded)

resources:- HTTP://

Just use those few steps and get better and permanent result on Google.
this is all according to my experiences

Few Words of Caution for your online Identity

SPAM Mail— I’d say if we get a single penny every time a spam hits my mail box- how rich would I beJ. Well We all have a Spam folders with us – be it official and personal id with at least 200 spam mails a day claiming you a lottery winner or a job opportunity in Nigeria or asking for help on disposing billions of dollars etc. etc…

Don’t you wonder where this comes from: Here are couple of reminders: -

Ø Register yourself on a website and hit Subscribe to the promotional offers.

Ø Register on a social network website which allows you to show your email id.

Ø Liking some Facebook page which you can only access post submitting your email id.

Ø Drop in your email id while eating at a restaurant or shopping.

Ø Downloading free stuff only by subscribing

Ø Subscribing to a newsletter.

And many more J

Well here are few precautionary measures which you can use:

Ø Even while signing yourself at a website – make sure you uncheck the box which says subscribe to our newsletter.

Ø In case you do not want to share your email id do check the “Privacy Section” of your account settings.

Ø While shopping or eating at the restaurant – make sure just put a feedback and not your email id there.

Ø While downloading stuff from website – do clear off tracking cookies from your computer/ laptop.

Ø Always keep your password a combination of numbers and special characters – these cannot be hacked.

Ø While accepting a friend request make sure you know the person rather than just increasing the number of your friends on the list.

Ø While Apps\ Games we play on the Facebook also pass on your email id so more chance of spam.

Ø Always and always have a nick name for social networking websites but not weird ones which has some words such as “Spunk – Funk”.

Ø Use the button which says “Report Abuse or Report Spam” and that email would never shop up again.

Ø Always run an Anti- virus every once in a while to make sure no Trojans are downloaded.

With these small steps – not only you can save your identity from online theft but you have less spam in your mail box. Remember online identity needs to be secured as your personal phone numbers.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How can we build our Brand?

[That type of Question to everyone, because everyone wants their personal business, so we share some tips for Build the Brand, but how? this is main question and we discuss on this topic by questionable Topics So, Check and Try it, (Personal Experience)]

You can build your brand by those Questions, which are helpful, which are understandable, which are easy to do, which are just GOOD,

What is Digital Marketing?

Digitally manipulating an image or intensifying its appeal, we give you something that will titillate your senses. You experience the best of both worlds with us.
Digitalisation has transformed the way brands communicate with their audience. Interactive tools and techniques are a sure shot method to engage the reader and entertain him in the best possible manner. This is the digital age and most of the brands enjoy digital marketing stints as they are interactive and engaging at the same time.

What is Electronic Media?

Electronic media especially television has an audience that follows everything religiously and takes note of everything that is new and has never been done before. It is a part and parcel of almost everyone’s life and lifestyle.
It enjoys unperturbed attention consistently from a wide audience and it is extensively used to make it viable for the audience and the company to conect with the brand.

What is Swot Report ?

What is Printing Solutions?

What is Public Relations?

What is SEO?

What is Email Marketing?

What is Online Reputation Management?

What is Branding?

What is Lead Generation?

What is your Business?

What is my Role in my Business?

And Now check how much you EARN from those step????????

Monday, April 23, 2012

Online Lead Generation Strategies

To grow profitably every business needs to generate enough leads to grow profitably no matter how small or big the empire is.Creating prospective consumer inquiry or interest in one’s products or services is not a cakewalk. Signing up for an advertising offer needs to be handled smartly, because it’s difficult for someone to give away his/her contact information and demographic information to total strangers and affirm their faith in him. Whether you’re doing Internet lead generation to win future prospects or for list building or newsletter list acquisition purposes, is it working wonders for your company? Are you instituting the appropriate techniques in 

  • Do reciprocal linking with other business websites in your niche with whom you share common interests, but are not your direct competitors. The purpose of this technique is that their visitors would see your link there and might be interested in what you offer, therefore generating targeted traffic for your site. However, exchanging links with your competitors will do you more harm than good, since your competitors’ products, services and customer service might be better than yours. So, stay away from linking to your direct competitors.
  • Offer free consultation sessions. Offering free consultation sessions help businesses to inculcate trust in prospective customers. This is because studies have proved that people hardly buy anything from business sources they don’t know. Familiarizing yourself with them through free consultations will enable them to trust you, as well as see their benefits of signing up for your advertising offer.
  • Create an affiliate program on your site. Many successful businesses have programs that enable other individuals to sell their products and/or services. Affiliates help a product or service to have a wider reach, a better sales force, and diversified promotional techniques. Just make sure you pay affiliates a commission for every sale made and also pay extra amount of money to those who surpass average sales expected, to keep them happy. Apart from affiliates selling your products and/or services, they’re promoting them for free. Isn’t it great?
  • Mailing list – Ask your web designer to put a mailing list box on every web page of your site. This lead generation technique will make it very accessible and sometimes tempting to visitors. Some of your site’s visitors might end up signing for your newsletter. But making your mailing list box to be so much on-the-face is very distracting and often disgusting to visitors. So, put your email alert box where it rightly belongs, to avoid pursuing away valued individuals who might have willingly subscribed.
  • Newsletters – After people have signed up for your newsletter, it is now up to you to use finesse and give them more information about your business, so as to cultivate a relationship with each other. Do not be in a rush to push them to buy your products and/or services. If mutual friendship flourishes, they will most likely buy from you, when the need arises.
  • Testimonials – Having testimonials from happy customers in place on your site will help your business to generate leads. Satisfied customers are mostly willing to vouch for your products and/or services. So, go ahead and ask them to write testimonials, in order to promote your business. As a rule, a testimonial should not be fictitious. It should include the names, pictures and if possible websites of your real happy customers. Using stock photos as pictures of those who write testimonials about what you provide leads to failure in business. keep your testimonials short, straight to the point and should be written in a well-structured grammar.
  • Vote of thanks – Studies have also proved that a customer feels more appreciated when he/she receives a card or an email from a product or service seller thanking him/her of the purchase after some weeks. In your vote of thanks include a special incentive on his/her next purchase. This helps to keep your business relationship waxing strong.
  • Free Courses – Offer free courses online to interested people to prove your authority in your field of endeavor. Internet trends have got people addicted with free stuffs. So, lure people in to sign up for your newsletter by offering them free online courses that would help them to solve their minor issues.
  • Press release – If you’re not into publishing press releases for your business, you’re missing out on something very rewarding. It is another way of generating free exposure for your business. Make sure you have a press release published every time your company has a new service or product.
  • Article submissions to top article directories is one of the best ways to get free exposure and traffic. These great article directories have very large reader base. Write articles to share your expertise in your field with readers. If you don’t have the gift of writing content with good power of conviction, there are many content writers on the web waiting for whom to hire them. I personally suggest submitting your articles to,, and
Source :-

Online Lead Generation Techniques that Work

Professional services firms have been relatively slow to adopt online lead generation techniques. It's not surprising given that many commonly used online lead strategies such as contests or sweepstakes are simply inappropriate for many professional services firms and their clients.
Further, many professionals still hold the mistaken belief that the only way to generate new client leads is through referrals and networking. Hello… the world is changing! A new model of business development is already generating significant flows of qualified leads for many professional services firms.

Online Lead Generation Techniques that Work

Like traditional lead generation, the new model is founded on demonstrating expertise and building trusting relationships — but these goals are accomplished online. While online marketing will continue to evolve, here are ten proven lead generation techniques that are working for professional services firms today.
1) Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Many potential clients want to learn how to solve the challenges they face. If a prospect is even remotely computer literate (and these days what executive doesn't have a computer or a smart phone?) one of the first things they do is Google their question, problem or issue. SEO gives you the tools to match qualified clients with your online content. And if you play your cards right, you'll end up on their short list when they are looking to purchase services.
2) Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising
Another proven way to get on your prospects' radar is to buy your way onto search engine results pages for relevant key words. This technique gives you greater control over the key words whith which you want to be associated. As the name implies you only pay when someone clicks on your link. Many times, PPC leads are of higher quality because the potential client is often searching for a specific solution. In addition, PPC is completely trackable and typically less expensive than traditional print advertising. That’s an attractive combination.
3) Lead Generating Website
Most professional services websites are not designed to generate leads. As a matter of fact many are almost "anti-lead generators." Jargon-filled, firm-centric website abound in the professional services — and they are completely passive and unhelpful. If visitors do not understand what you do or what problems you can solve for them, they will go elsewhere. Contrast this with a lead generating website that is designed to make it easy for clients to understand your value proposition, download valuable information and request a proposal. The impact on online lead generation can be dramatic.
4) Online Networking
I could have called this technique "social media," but I wanted to make a point. The essence of social media is not which platform you choose. It's the quality and reach of the networking you do. While the style of interaction may vary greatly from Twitter to LinkedIn to Facebook, it is still about making the right connections with the right people. Online networking can produce the reputation and referrals associated with traditional business networking. Expect to get results in proportion to the level of your investment of time and attention.
5) Webinars
A webinar is the online equivalent of a seminar or other educational event. The lead generating webinar is typically offered free of charge. Because it requires registration, you can collect basic information on a session's attendees. Like its offline cousin, a webinar should be educational — not a thinly veiled sales pitch. The key to a successful webinar is to select topics that are of great interest and value to your ideal target client. Over time, attendees come to trust your firm and will be likely to consider you when they have a relevant need.
6) Industry Research Reports
A proven online lead generating strategy is to offer executive summaries or full research reports on the industries you serve. You benefit in two ways. First, these documents are an excellent lead generator. Second, they boost your credibility and strengthen you online brand. Be sure your research topics are of exceptional interest to your target client group. In addition, these research studies can be an excellent vehicle for partnering with a trade association or a noncompeting firm to reduce your marketing cost and increase your credibility.
7) Online Marketing Videos
Video is everywhere today, and for good reason. It is an ideal marketing medium for professional services firms. Nothing builds credibility like a flagship client explaining how your firm solved their problem. It's almost like automating the referral process. Video can be used to present your firm, explain complex services or introduce your team. In each of these roles, video can play an important lead generating and lead nurturing function.
8) White Papers or e-Books
One of the most common online lead generating techniques, white papers can establish credibility and generate qualified leads. You can offer the white paper on your website (either available free or behind a registration screen), or you can distribute it through third-party services. White papers also make great pay-per-click offers. A variation on the white paper is the e-book. Typically longer than a whitepaper, it serves a similar function. If you e-book goes into great depth on a subject, it can generate a great deal of buzz and establish your reputation.
9) E-newsletter
If your e-newsletter offers high-quality, educational content, you can generate a significant number of new leads when people sign up. And your e-newsletter is a great way to nurture the existing leads on your list. Many firms also use e-newsletters to announce new services and make specific offers. To build your subscriber list, offer a free e-newsletter subscription on your website or in your email signature block. Just remember, the better your content, the more people will read it and remember you — and the less likely it will be deemed spam.
10) Blogging
I left blogging for last because of its unique role in online lead generation. To be honest, blogs don't generate a lot of direct leads. But blogging is probably the most effective driver of leads to your website. Because a blog allows you to create a wide range of keyword-laden content that can be found in the search engines, it can draw a lot of qualified prospects to your website (this assumes that you host your blog on your website — which I strongly recommend). You can further promote your blog posts on Twittter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Without a blog, your SEO efforts will be handicapped.
These ten online lead generation techniques alone could become the cornerstone of a robust marketing plan. Add in traditional marketing tactics, such as face-to-face networking and tradeshow marketing (if appropriate), and you have a formidable strategy for building preference in the markeplace. Online marketing and traditional marketing make a powerful combination.

Souce :-

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dofollow sites by Gary Warner

Friday, September 10, 2010

What is LSI in SEO?

In Universal language: What IS LSI is trying to understand are the relationships between certain words in paragraph. The paragraphs in the document and when you take this further, LSI would then look for the relationships between the pages and your web site styles. Suddenly latent semantic indexing will become a part of the process that defines your website in relation to an overall topic within its search base.

When I found these folk they offered the rate of a day ticket to try it out. Google is such a powerful search engine that many 'day trippers' gave up on it. I think that was because it gave back more information that they new what to do with.
When I had read through the book for the first time and decide was that it was for us, we realized we couldn't do without the help of Google. Getting involved here will save you hours or days. There is stuff going on with this software which is right at the forefront of getting the best from understanding LSI.
May I also recommend that you listen to and watch all of the tutorials that are available at you tube. Learn as much as you can. You will be more than happy and satisfy.

Have a good luck in your designing and building you LSI optimized keyword fortes. The time you spend learning about and implementing what you discover has the potential to bring real and strategic huge term rewards and benefit.
Even though you will be a part of a bigger community and forums remember you may always share your thoughts at the rajeeseo’s blog

So, Does it affect?

Search engines introduce to LSI are not only studying a document for meta tags, they are also studying your documents and teaching to recognize and identify many words that are common between All documents. By the search engine databases are indexing the 'semantic relation' between your document to discover which pages are 'related' or are 'closely relevant' to the overall context or style.

if you want to know more and more knowledge and any type of knowledge about seo than u can give me comments and i will resolve your problems and queries too.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Server Side Design, Inc. is an award winning, recognized leader in the world of Internet Marketing. Server Side Design been honored with the prestigious and coveted awards for being a Top 10 SEO company for the entire years of 2007 and 2008! Based in Houston, TX, ServerSideDesign offers full service search engine optimization, pay per click advertising and custom website design to companies all over the globe as well as the U.S.


NeboWeb is a full service interactive marketing agency that offers a broad range of Web presence solutions for large to enterprise level organizations. By delivering brilliant strategy through a dedicated and experienced team of interactive experts, NeboWeb helps clients develop and implement successful online strategies. NeboWeb's interactive marketing services range from complete interactive marketing engagements to standalone projects such as Web Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click Management (PPC), Interactive Ad Creation, Ecommerce Development, Online Public Relations, Social Media Optimization, and more.

3.Medium Blue

Medium Blue is an Atlanta search engine optimization and internet marketing firm that works with companies all over the country. All of our services are geared exclusively toward helping you realize a greater return on your internet investment.

4.Customer Magnetism

Located in beautiful Virginia Beach, Virginia, Customer Magnetism has become well known as an affordable search engine optimization company who gets the job done. It provides organic search engine optimization services, strategic link building services, seo copywriting services and full service pay-per-click management.


With over 12 years of Search Engine Marketing experience, SEOP offers an easy, cost effective search engine optimization service that helps businesses like yours stay competitive and attract new customers by listing your business among the top results.

6.SEO Image

SEO Image's Internet marketing services include: researching keywords, developing keyword rich content, adjusting your code for better relevance to the desired keywords, building strategic link popularity.

7.SEO Inc.

Search Engine Optimization Inc. is a professional search engine marketing firm, specializing in achieving high rankings for its clients on the Internet's major Search properties. For more than a decade, SEO Inc.'s certified 'Search Engineers', with a combined expertise of over 50+ years, have led the industry in developing highly effective, proprietary search engine optimization and marketing methodologies that have placed more than 300 leading corporations in the top rankings of the world's major search properties.


Originally a web design firm, ArteWorks is now a premier provider of search engine optimization and search engine marketing for business. Located in Austin, TX, ArteWorks specializes in professional, web site design solutions for small business at affordable rates.


Oneupweb's goal is to continually help our clients reach new levels of online sales success by providing insightful counsel, comprehensive analysis and leading proprietary technology, created expressly for business leaders and marketers.

10.Bruce Clay, Inc.

As a leading provider of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services, developer of the SEOToolSet, the SEO Code of Ethics, and Search Engine Relationship Chart, Bruce Clay, Inc. is one of the best known Search Engine Optimization firms in the world. Since 1996 our clients have enjoyed high rankings from a proven, time-tested methodology using our state-of-the-art spam-free techniques.


Mail (social services)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Be Aware Of Duplicate SEO packages !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SEO Packages Bronze Silver Gold Diamond
Budget 250 $ / month 350$ / month 450$ / month 850 $ / month
Timeline 6 months 8 months 10 months 12 months
Website Site Analysis yes
yes yes yes
Competitor Analysis yes yes yes yes
Keywords Research 15 25 30 50
Keywords Selection 10 20 25 35
Search Engine Ranking report yes yes yes yes
Site pages optimized yes yes yes yes
SEO friendly Navigation yes yes yes yes
Meta-Content Optimization yes yes yes yes
Images to be Optimized yes yes yes yes
Sitemap creation yes yes yes yes
Robot.txt yes yes yes yes
Google Analytics yes yes yes yes
RSS Feed No
Directory submission yes yes yes yes
Link building yes yes yes yes
Social Bookmarking yes yes yes yes
Social Networking Profile - 10 15 15
Article submission 40 60 60 60
Press Release submission 25 35 40 40
Blog Marketing yes yes yes yes
Classified ad creation and posting yes yes yes yes
Forum posting yes yes yes yes
Video optimization yes yes yes yes
Search Engine Ranking Reports yes yes yes yes
Work status reports yes yes yes yes
Client support Email Support Email Support Email/Chat
Traffic Reports No No yes yes
Top page ranking in Google for keywords min 3 min 5 min 10 min 15
Top page ranking on Yahoo or MSN min 3 min 5 min 10 min 15
Traffic increase on organic search engine results

yes yes yes yes

Total Pageviews